Friday, 8 March 2013

10 Richest People in the World in 2013 version of Forbes

Forbes magazine released the richest man on the planet at the beginning of this year. Forbes Billionaires list in 2013, there were 1426 names with their total wealth reached U.S. $ 5.4 trillion or Rp 51,300 trillion, up from in 2012 amounted to U.S. $ 4.6 trillion.

The U.S. led with the highest number of billionaires billionaires reached 442 people, followed by the Asia Pacific region reached 386 people.

While Europe and Latin America are in positions 3 and 4 by the number of billionaires each reached 366 and 129 people. Lastly, the Middle East record 103 billionaires.

Let's see who the richest people in the world:   

10.  Christy Walton


The 58-year-old woman is one of the largest owners of retail stores in the world of Wal Mart. According to Forbes, Christy wealth was U.S. $ 28.2 billion or Rp 267.9 trillion. Christy is the sixth richest person in the U.S..

Last year, she was called to get U.S. $ 430 million in dividends from its stake in Wal Mart.

9. Bernard Arnault


63-year-old man is the owner of famous French luxury brand is Louis Vuitton (LVMH). The second richest person in France has a wealth of U.S. $ 29 billion, or around Rp 275 trillion as of March 2013.

Bernard is also the number 56 most influential people Forbes.

8. Liliane Bettencourt 


 Liliane was aged 90 years, his business is through cosmetics company L'Oreal is also open factories in Indonesia. This woman is the richest man in France.

7. Li Ka-Shing


84-year-old man was the only Asian person who entered the top 10 richest people in the world. According to Forbes, worth Li reached U.S. $ 31 billion to Rp 294.5 trillion. The man from Hong Kong is the richest man in the country, and also the number 31 most influential people in the world.

Companies that make Li-rich including Cheung Kong, Hitchison Whampoa, and Husky Energy. His company employs 260 thousand employees in 52 countries.

6. Charles and David Koch 


Both brothers have their personal wealth is U.S. $ 34 billion, or USD 323 trillion as of March 2013. Both run a business through Koch Industries engaged in natural gas and chemicals. Charles entered the most influential people in the world number 41 Forbes. Both also entered the top 5 richest people in the United States.

5. Larry Ellison 


The 68-year-old man is the boss of the Oracle technology companies in the U.S.. According to Forbes, Larry net worth of U.S. $ 43 billion, or around Rp 408.5 trillion. In the U.S., Larry is the third richest person.

4. Warren Buffet


Buffet recently bought ketchup company Heinz branded with a value of U.S. $ 28 billion or Rp 266 trillion. According to Forbes, the 82-year-old man has a wealth of U.S. $ 53.5 billion or around Rp 508.2 trillion as of March 2013.

Forbes also put Buffett as the most influential people in the world number 15. In the U.S., Buffett is the second richest man after Bill Gates. Buffet get rich through his holding company Berkshire Hathaway is.

3. Amancio Ortega


76-year-old man from Spain that is famous for its Zara clothing stores that are worldwide now. Ortega is the richest man in Spain. According to Forbes Ortega total wealth reached U.S. $ 57 billion or Rp 541.5 trillion as of March 2013.

2. Bill Gates


Founder of Microsoft's leading companies according to Forbes has a wealth of U.S. $ 67 billion or Rp 636.5 trillion as of March 2013. 57-year-old man last year also took second place, but in the U.S., Gates became the number one richest in the country. Forbes also placed Gates as the most influential and powerful number 4 in the world.

Throughout his life, Gates has donated his fortune at U.S. $ 28 billion, or around Rp 266 billion to charity through the foundation that manages with his wife.

1. Carlos Slim Helu  


Men from Mexico still holds the highest peak with the greatest wealth in the world. According to Forbes, the value of intellectual entrepreneurs telecommunications industry reached U.S. $ 73 billion or Rp 693 trillion as of March 2013. 73-year-old man last year also entered the number 11 most powerful and influential people in the world.

Carlos became the richest man in the world's number one four years in a row.


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